30th June 2010 - bright and sunny SW1
Diurnal Migration
Two Swift flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders.
Waders included a Greenshank and 3 Dunlin amongst 40 Redshank.
A family party of 6 Raven scavanged amongst the island's litter bins.
The moth trap held 606 moths of 66 species with the catch dominated by 220 White Satin Moth.
Founded in 1964, the work of Walney Bird Observatory is funded entirely by membership subscription. Since 1965 it has been an accredited member of the British Trust for Ornithology’s bird observatories network which operates across Britain and Ireland. Bird Observatories are at the forefront of conservation, monitoring bird populations through the medium of census work, daily recording of migrants and ringing.
Southbound Cuckoo
Remaining quiet!
28th June 2010 – bright and sunny, rain by evening SW1/2
Early morning observations produced just small numbers of Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Guillemot and Sandwich Tern.
Breeding Birds
Tufted Duck broods are now beginning to appear.
The moth trap again provided a good selection with 640 moths of 69 species including Common Rustic, Double Square-spot, Mother of Pearl, Straw Dot and Common Wainscot -all new for the year. A recently identified addition to the island list was cork moth.
Cork Moth and Double Square-spot.

Early morning observations produced just small numbers of Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Guillemot and Sandwich Tern.
Breeding Birds
Tufted Duck broods are now beginning to appear.
The moth trap again provided a good selection with 640 moths of 69 species including Common Rustic, Double Square-spot, Mother of Pearl, Straw Dot and Common Wainscot -all new for the year. A recently identified addition to the island list was cork moth.
Cork Moth and Double Square-spot.
Moths save the day again!
27th June 2010 – bright and sunny SW 1/2
A handful of Gannet was as good as it got before the heat haze took hold.
With little activity on the bird front the moth trap produced the goods with 802 moths of 76 species with two new additions to the island list – Figure of Eighty and Small Fan-foot, also seen were White Plume Moth, Marbled Beauty, Barred Yellow, Common Footman and Common Emerald – all new for the year.
Small Fan-foot and Figure of Eighty.

A handful of Gannet was as good as it got before the heat haze took hold.
With little activity on the bird front the moth trap produced the goods with 802 moths of 76 species with two new additions to the island list – Figure of Eighty and Small Fan-foot, also seen were White Plume Moth, Marbled Beauty, Barred Yellow, Common Footman and Common Emerald – all new for the year.
Small Fan-foot and Figure of Eighty.
Waders begin to return
26th June 2010 – bright and sunny SW 1/2
Diurnal Migration
A single Swift was logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 20 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Knot.
The moth trap produced 611 moths of 84 species with Aethes hamana, Shaded Pug, Foxglove Pug, Grey Dagger, Triple-spotted Clay, Grass Emerald, Light Arches and Smoky Wainscot all new for the year.
Grey Dagger and Triple-spotted Clay.

Diurnal Migration
A single Swift was logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 20 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Knot.
The moth trap produced 611 moths of 84 species with Aethes hamana, Shaded Pug, Foxglove Pug, Grey Dagger, Triple-spotted Clay, Grass Emerald, Light Arches and Smoky Wainscot all new for the year.
Grey Dagger and Triple-spotted Clay.
First Chiffchaff returns south!
25th June 2010 – overcast SW1
Early morning observations produced 16 Arctic Tern and small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Guillemot and Red-breasted Merganser.
Grounded Migrants
A Chiffchaff was perhaps the first sign of southbound passerine migration.
Breeding Birds
The first brood of Shelducklings have finally emerged.
The moth trap again provided a good selection of species amongst a plague of White Satin Moth and the continued work on micros produced Coleophora mayrella and Scrobipalpa costella – both new island records but presumably overlooked in the past. New additions for the year included Acleris bergmanniana, Crambus perlella, Nettle-tap, Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix and White-line Dart.
Early morning observations produced 16 Arctic Tern and small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Guillemot and Red-breasted Merganser.
Grounded Migrants
A Chiffchaff was perhaps the first sign of southbound passerine migration.
Breeding Birds
The first brood of Shelducklings have finally emerged.
The moth trap again provided a good selection of species amongst a plague of White Satin Moth and the continued work on micros produced Coleophora mayrella and Scrobipalpa costella – both new island records but presumably overlooked in the past. New additions for the year included Acleris bergmanniana, Crambus perlella, Nettle-tap, Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix and White-line Dart.
Solitary Greenshank!
24th June 2010 – sunny spells W2
Wildfowl and Waders
A Greenshank was the only bird worthy of mention.
The moth trap produced 395 moths of 56 species with an emergence of White Satin Moth providing a third of the total. New for the year were Green Pug, Eudonia lineola and Paraswammerdamia nebulella.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Greenshank was the only bird worthy of mention.
The moth trap produced 395 moths of 56 species with an emergence of White Satin Moth providing a third of the total. New for the year were Green Pug, Eudonia lineola and Paraswammerdamia nebulella.
Moths continue to provide the main interest
23rd June 2010 – sunny spells SW2/3
Early morning sightings were again limited to small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet and Guillemot.
The overnight trap held 250 moths of 55 species, including the micros Monochroa cytisella and Bryotropha terrella – both the first island records. Also seen were Pediasia aridella, Mullein Wave and Beautiful Golden Y – all new for the year.
Mullein Wave, Pediasia aridella and Beautiful Golden Y.

Early morning sightings were again limited to small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet and Guillemot.
The overnight trap held 250 moths of 55 species, including the micros Monochroa cytisella and Bryotropha terrella – both the first island records. Also seen were Pediasia aridella, Mullein Wave and Beautiful Golden Y – all new for the year.
Mullein Wave, Pediasia aridella and Beautiful Golden Y.
Greenshank begin to build
22nd June 2010 – bright and sunny SW1/2
Small numbers of Little Tern, Arctic Tern and Common Tern were seen.
Wildfowl and Waders
There are now 4 Greenshank amongst 30 Redshank.
The moth trap held Homoeosoma sinuella which appears to be the first island record while Barred Straw was new for the year.
The first Emperor was on the wing.
Homoeosoma sinuella
Small numbers of Little Tern, Arctic Tern and Common Tern were seen.
Wildfowl and Waders
There are now 4 Greenshank amongst 30 Redshank.
The moth trap held Homoeosoma sinuella which appears to be the first island record while Barred Straw was new for the year.
The first Emperor was on the wing.
Homoeosoma sinuella
Summer Doldrums
21st June 2010 – bright and sunny W1/2
Early morning observations again provided just small numbers of Common Scoter, Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Guillemot and Sandwich Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders
The single Greenshank remains.
New for the year in the moth trap were Wormwood Pug, Mottled Beauty and Snout.
Marbled Orchard Totrix.
Early morning observations again provided just small numbers of Common Scoter, Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Guillemot and Sandwich Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders
The single Greenshank remains.
New for the year in the moth trap were Wormwood Pug, Mottled Beauty and Snout.
Marbled Orchard Totrix.
More Puffins
20th June 2010 – bright and sunny NW 1/2/3/4
Early morning observations produced 2 southbound Puffin amongst small numbers of Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Arctic Tern, Guillemot and Common Scoter.
Highlights from the moth trap involved the first island record for Tinea trinotella, Udea olivalis – the first since 1998 and Epiblema rosaecolana and Burnished Brass, both of which were new for the year.
Udea olivalis and Tinea trinotella.

Early morning observations produced 2 southbound Puffin amongst small numbers of Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Arctic Tern, Guillemot and Common Scoter.
Highlights from the moth trap involved the first island record for Tinea trinotella, Udea olivalis – the first since 1998 and Epiblema rosaecolana and Burnished Brass, both of which were new for the year.
Udea olivalis and Tinea trinotella.
Moths provide the highlights!
19th June 2010 – sunny spells NE/NW 2/3/4
Early morning observations produced just small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Common Scoter and Guillemot.
Diurnal Migration
Single Swift and House Martin flew through.
Butterflies and Moths
The first Meadow Brown are now on the wing and highlights from the overnight moth trap were Dark Tussock – the first since 1998 and Crambus pascuella – the first for over 20 years.
Dark Tussock and Crambus pascuella

Early morning observations produced just small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Common Scoter and Guillemot.
Diurnal Migration
Single Swift and House Martin flew through.
Butterflies and Moths
The first Meadow Brown are now on the wing and highlights from the overnight moth trap were Dark Tussock – the first since 1998 and Crambus pascuella – the first for over 20 years.
Dark Tussock and Crambus pascuella
First Greenshank reappears
18th June 2010 – overcast then sunny NW2/3
Early morning observations produced 14 Manx Shearwater, 14 Common Scoter, 10 Gannet, 6 Guillemot, 2 Sandwich Tern and single Shag.
Wildfowl and Waders
The first Greenshank of the autumn appeared.
The moth trap held 473 of 62 species including what would appear to be the first island record of Timothy Tortrix along with Eudonia pallida, Archers Dart, Small Rivulet, White Satin Moth and Riband Wave.
Archers Dart
Early morning observations produced 14 Manx Shearwater, 14 Common Scoter, 10 Gannet, 6 Guillemot, 2 Sandwich Tern and single Shag.
Wildfowl and Waders
The first Greenshank of the autumn appeared.
The moth trap held 473 of 62 species including what would appear to be the first island record of Timothy Tortrix along with Eudonia pallida, Archers Dart, Small Rivulet, White Satin Moth and Riband Wave.
Archers Dart
Just a few seabirds
17th June 2010 – bright and sunny W1/2
Early morning observations provided 32 Common Scoter, 8 Gannet, 4 Manx Shearwater and single Fulmar and Guillemot.
The moth trap held 652 moths of 58 species, however, only Garden Tiger was new for the year.
The first Black-tailed Skimmer are now on the wing.
Early morning observations provided 32 Common Scoter, 8 Gannet, 4 Manx Shearwater and single Fulmar and Guillemot.
The moth trap held 652 moths of 58 species, however, only Garden Tiger was new for the year.
The first Black-tailed Skimmer are now on the wing.
Puffins lead sightings
16th June 2010 – bright and sunny
Early morning produced 4 Puffin along with small numbers of Common Scoter, Gannet, Guillemot and Manx Shearwater.
Diurnal Migration
A flock of 8 Heron flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Gadwall were seen.
Butterflies and Moths
The first Painted Lady of the year was logged and new in the moth trap were Bordered Sallow – the first for several years and Ingrailed Clay.
Bordered Sallow and Ingrailed Clay

Early morning produced 4 Puffin along with small numbers of Common Scoter, Gannet, Guillemot and Manx Shearwater.
Diurnal Migration
A flock of 8 Heron flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Gadwall were seen.
Butterflies and Moths
The first Painted Lady of the year was logged and new in the moth trap were Bordered Sallow – the first for several years and Ingrailed Clay.
Bordered Sallow and Ingrailed Clay
Early or late Red-throated Diver
15th June 2010 – bright and sunny
Early morning produced an early or late Red-throated Diver along with 30 Sandwich Tern, 21 Common Scoter and 2 Guillemot.
The moth trap continues to keep observers amused with 373 of 56 species identified including the first Ghost Moth, Rush Veneer and Lychnis of the year.
Early morning produced an early or late Red-throated Diver along with 30 Sandwich Tern, 21 Common Scoter and 2 Guillemot.
The moth trap continues to keep observers amused with 373 of 56 species identified including the first Ghost Moth, Rush Veneer and Lychnis of the year.
Eider Census Results
14th June 2010 – sunny spells SW 1/2
Remaining quiet over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern and Red-breasted Merganser logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 4 Teal continue to linger but there was no sign of yesterdays Garganey.
Breeding Birds
The Eider census revealed that the number of nesting females remained steady at around 185-195 birds, however, numbers are a pale shadow of those present in the early 1990s when 1500 nests were counted. Productivity also remains a concern with very few ducklings seen this year.
A Harbour Porpoise was offshore.
Celypha lacunana, Agriphila straminella and Clay were all new for the year.
Remaining quiet over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern and Red-breasted Merganser logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 4 Teal continue to linger but there was no sign of yesterdays Garganey.
Breeding Birds
The Eider census revealed that the number of nesting females remained steady at around 185-195 birds, however, numbers are a pale shadow of those present in the early 1990s when 1500 nests were counted. Productivity also remains a concern with very few ducklings seen this year.
A Harbour Porpoise was offshore.
Celypha lacunana, Agriphila straminella and Clay were all new for the year.
Garganey new in
13th June 2010 – overcast/rain at times W1/2
Just small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and Little Tern were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 4 Teal from yesterday were joined by a drake Garganey which was moulting into eclipse plumage.
A hunting Peregrine was the best of the rest.
The moth trap held 414 of 45 species with Dot Moth, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Dark Arches and Bramble Shoot Moth all new for the year.
Just small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and Little Tern were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 4 Teal from yesterday were joined by a drake Garganey which was moulting into eclipse plumage.
A hunting Peregrine was the best of the rest.
The moth trap held 414 of 45 species with Dot Moth, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Dark Arches and Bramble Shoot Moth all new for the year.
Returning wildfowl and summering waders!
12th June 2010 – bright and sunny NW3/4
Grounded Migrants
A Wheatear was perhaps the same individual from recent days.
Wildfowl and Waders
Wildfowl are beginning to return already, the two drake Wigeon from yesterday were joined by 4 Teal. Waders included small numbers of Sanderling, Dunlin, Grey Plover and Turnstone.
Large Skipper are now showing well.
Large Skipper.

Grounded Migrants
A Wheatear was perhaps the same individual from recent days.
Wildfowl and Waders
Wildfowl are beginning to return already, the two drake Wigeon from yesterday were joined by 4 Teal. Waders included small numbers of Sanderling, Dunlin, Grey Plover and Turnstone.
Large Skipper are now showing well.
Large Skipper.
Bits and Pieces
11th June 2010 – sunny spells WNW 1/2/3/4
Still extremely quiet over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged early morning.
Grounded Migrants
A single Wheatear was logged, while four juvenile Stonechat were evidence of post-breeding dispersal.
Diurnal Migration
Two late House Martin flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two drake Wigeon were presumed to be early returning birds.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention with 380 moths of 57 species identified. Highlights were Caloptilia syringella and Coleophora albicosta – both apparently new island records, but presumably overlooked in the past. Also seen were Sand Dart, Buff Ermine, Elephant Hawkmoth and Crambus lathoniellus – all new for the year.
Elephant Hawkmoth, Coleophora alibicosta and Caloptilia syringella

Still extremely quiet over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged early morning.
Grounded Migrants
A single Wheatear was logged, while four juvenile Stonechat were evidence of post-breeding dispersal.
Diurnal Migration
Two late House Martin flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two drake Wigeon were presumed to be early returning birds.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention with 380 moths of 57 species identified. Highlights were Caloptilia syringella and Coleophora albicosta – both apparently new island records, but presumably overlooked in the past. Also seen were Sand Dart, Buff Ermine, Elephant Hawkmoth and Crambus lathoniellus – all new for the year.
Elephant Hawkmoth, Coleophora alibicosta and Caloptilia syringella
Velvet Scoter continues to linger
9th June 2010 – overcast/showers ENE3/4/5/6
Grounded Migrants
The first Wheatear for a while, presumably still heading north, was logged.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift was the only record of note.
Wildfowl and Waders
The summering female Velvet Scoter continues to skulk amongst the breeding Eider population.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention with 526 moths of 56 species identified, the best night of the summer so far. Highlights were Orthotaenia undulana – the first since 1987 and Green Carpet – the first since 1995.
Green Carpet and Orthotaenia undulana

Grounded Migrants
The first Wheatear for a while, presumably still heading north, was logged.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift was the only record of note.
Wildfowl and Waders
The summering female Velvet Scoter continues to skulk amongst the breeding Eider population.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention with 526 moths of 56 species identified, the best night of the summer so far. Highlights were Orthotaenia undulana – the first since 1987 and Green Carpet – the first since 1995.
Green Carpet and Orthotaenia undulana
A few seabirds appear
8th June 2010 – overcast/showers SE1/2
Slightly more activity over the sea early morning with small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift was the only other record of note.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention but overnight rain reduced sightings with just 310 moths of 43 species. New for the year were the immigrant Diamond-back Moth along with Middle-barred Minor and Celypha striana. Day-flying moths included good numbers of Small Magpie and Cinnabar and 3 Mother Shipton.
The first Large Skippers are now on the wing.
Slightly more activity over the sea early morning with small numbers of Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift was the only other record of note.
The moth trap again was the main focus of attention but overnight rain reduced sightings with just 310 moths of 43 species. New for the year were the immigrant Diamond-back Moth along with Middle-barred Minor and Celypha striana. Day-flying moths included good numbers of Small Magpie and Cinnabar and 3 Mother Shipton.
The first Large Skippers are now on the wing.
Little of note!
7th June 2010 – sunny spells W1
Still little of note over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet and Sandwich Tern logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A few summer plumaged Turnstone continue to linger.
Another good night with 44 species trapped including the first White Colon and Common Marbled Carpet of the year.
Still little of note over the sea with just small numbers of Gannet and Sandwich Tern logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A few summer plumaged Turnstone continue to linger.
Another good night with 44 species trapped including the first White Colon and Common Marbled Carpet of the year.
Gadwall surprise
6th June 2010 – early fog then showers/calm
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 4 Gadwall was an unusual record for the island at this time of the year.
Fortunately the moth trap continues to keep observers amused with 438 moths of 48 species trapped overnight. The pick of the bunch was Aethes Smeathmannia - the first since 1985 and a Flame Carpet – the first since 2000 – and new for the year were Oblique Carpet, Dusky Brocade, Plum Tortrix and Eucosma campolilana.
Flame Carpet and Eucosma campolilana.

Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 4 Gadwall was an unusual record for the island at this time of the year.
Fortunately the moth trap continues to keep observers amused with 438 moths of 48 species trapped overnight. The pick of the bunch was Aethes Smeathmannia - the first since 1985 and a Flame Carpet – the first since 2000 – and new for the year were Oblique Carpet, Dusky Brocade, Plum Tortrix and Eucosma campolilana.
Flame Carpet and Eucosma campolilana.
Grasshopper Warbler still reeling
5th June 2010 – sunny spells W1
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 20 Sanderling were along the maritime shore.
Breeding Birds
A Grasshopper Warbler continues to reel early morning but it looks to be another poor breeding season for Eider with just 6 chicks seen.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 20 Sanderling were along the maritime shore.
Breeding Birds
A Grasshopper Warbler continues to reel early morning but it looks to be another poor breeding season for Eider with just 6 chicks seen.
Puffin brace
4th June 2010 – bright and sunny ESE2/3
Early morning observations (0615-0715) were led by a brace of Puffin, also seen were 44 Guillemot, 12 Gannet, 10 Sandwich Tern and single Razorbill and Red-breasted Merganser.
Wildfowl and Waders
Small numbers of Sanderling and Turnstone are still present.
Early morning observations (0615-0715) were led by a brace of Puffin, also seen were 44 Guillemot, 12 Gannet, 10 Sandwich Tern and single Razorbill and Red-breasted Merganser.
Wildfowl and Waders
Small numbers of Sanderling and Turnstone are still present.
Little Ringed Plover saves the day!
3rd June 2010 – bright/sunny/calm
A late Red-throated Diver was the pick of early morning sightings which also included small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter and Sandwich Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders.
A Little Ringed Plover was found late in the day – still a rare bird on the island there are just a handful of previous records. A drake Teal was perhaps the first returning bird rather than a summering individual.
A late Red-throated Diver was the pick of early morning sightings which also included small numbers of Gannet, Common Scoter and Sandwich Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders.
A Little Ringed Plover was found late in the day – still a rare bird on the island there are just a handful of previous records. A drake Teal was perhaps the first returning bird rather than a summering individual.
Moths remain main focus!
1st June 2010 – rain, drier later SSE1/2
Early morning sightings were again limited to a handful of Gannet and Sandwich Tern.
Breeding Birds
Recently fledged Stonechat and Greenfinch are already showing signs of post-breeding dispersal.
A Barn Owl was seen hunting early evening.
The moth trap produced 415 moths of 47 species including the first Scalloped Hazel to be recorded for 10 years and the first few Silver Y. Also new for the year were Common Carpet, Brimstone, Gold Spot and Setaceous Hebrew Character.
Scalloped Hazel.
Early morning sightings were again limited to a handful of Gannet and Sandwich Tern.
Breeding Birds
Recently fledged Stonechat and Greenfinch are already showing signs of post-breeding dispersal.
A Barn Owl was seen hunting early evening.
The moth trap produced 415 moths of 47 species including the first Scalloped Hazel to be recorded for 10 years and the first few Silver Y. Also new for the year were Common Carpet, Brimstone, Gold Spot and Setaceous Hebrew Character.
Scalloped Hazel.
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