31st May 2011 – sunny spells WSW2/3
A check over the sea on the rising tide (0800-0900) produced a dark phase Arctic Skua amongst 24 Guillemot, 10 Gannet, 4 Sandwich Tern, 2 Razorbill, 2 Kittiwake and a Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
A Mistle Thrush was totally unexpected while a Cuckoo was more in keeping with the time of the year.
Diurnal Migration
A few House Martin moved through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Three Black-tailed Godwit were logged.
Perhaps to be expected, following the record breaking April due to the early arrival of many summer migrants, May proved to be something of a damp squib with just 31 birds of 12 species trapped and ringed. Individual species totals involved: Sedge Warbler (8), Whitethroat (4), Swallow (4), Blackcap (3), Goldfinch (3), Willow Warbler (2), Dunnock (2), Greenfinch (1), Blackbird (1), Woodpigeon (1), Meadow Pipit (1) and Spotted Flycatcher (1).
Founded in 1964, the work of Walney Bird Observatory is funded entirely by membership subscription. Since 1965 it has been an accredited member of the British Trust for Ornithology’s bird observatories network which operates across Britain and Ireland. Bird Observatories are at the forefront of conservation, monitoring bird populations through the medium of census work, daily recording of migrants and ringing.
First Eiderlings appear
30th May 2011 – early rain then sunny spells W2/3/4
A flock of 50 Little Tern and 10 Arctic Tern fed offshore.
Grounded Migrants
Three Wheatear were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Black-tailed Godwit was seen.
Breeding Birds
The first Eiderlings have now emerged.
A flock of 50 Little Tern and 10 Arctic Tern fed offshore.
Grounded Migrants
Three Wheatear were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Black-tailed Godwit was seen.
Breeding Birds
The first Eiderlings have now emerged.
More seabirds!
29th May 2011 – overcast/early rain W4/5
Morning observations on the falling tide (1000-1200) were highlighted by single Pomarine Skua and Great Skua amongst 155 Manx Shearwater, 56 Guillemot, 24 Gannet, 3 Kittiwake and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Morning observations on the falling tide (1000-1200) were highlighted by single Pomarine Skua and Great Skua amongst 155 Manx Shearwater, 56 Guillemot, 24 Gannet, 3 Kittiwake and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Just a few seabirds!
27th May 2011 – sunny spells/showers NW4/5
Morning observations (0845-0945) produced 24 Gannet, 18 Common Scoter, 8 Sandwich Tern, 7 Guillemot, 4 Manx Shearwater, 2 Red-throated Diver and single Fulmr and Razorbill.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger.
Morning observations (0845-0945) produced 24 Gannet, 18 Common Scoter, 8 Sandwich Tern, 7 Guillemot, 4 Manx Shearwater, 2 Red-throated Diver and single Fulmr and Razorbill.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger.
Puffin provides the highlight
26th May 2011 – overcast/showers NW2/3/4/5/6
A Puffin was the pick of morning observations (0800-0900) with a supporting cast of 34 Common Scoter, 12 Gannet, 5 Guillemot, 4 Kittiwake and a Fulmar.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger.
Breeding Birds
Sedge Warbler seem to be present across the island in good numbers, with sample counts suggesting a breeding population of 120-130 pairs.
A Puffin was the pick of morning observations (0800-0900) with a supporting cast of 34 Common Scoter, 12 Gannet, 5 Guillemot, 4 Kittiwake and a Fulmar.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger.
Breeding Birds
Sedge Warbler seem to be present across the island in good numbers, with sample counts suggesting a breeding population of 120-130 pairs.
Another Hooded Crow
25th May 2011 – overcast SSE3/4
The wind had dropped and had a touch of easterly, consequently morning observations were disappointing with just small numbers of Gannet, Guillemot and Arctic Tern logged.
Grounded Migrants
What was perhaps the third Hooded Crow of the spring was logged but the only further hint of migration involved a single Willow Warbler.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger and waders included 1400 Dunlin and 220 Ringed Plover.
The best catch of the year so far saw a few Small Elephant Hawk-moth in the moth trap.
Small Elephant Hawk-moth.
The wind had dropped and had a touch of easterly, consequently morning observations were disappointing with just small numbers of Gannet, Guillemot and Arctic Tern logged.
Grounded Migrants
What was perhaps the third Hooded Crow of the spring was logged but the only further hint of migration involved a single Willow Warbler.
Wildfowl and Waders
A single Teal continues to linger and waders included 1400 Dunlin and 220 Ringed Plover.
The best catch of the year so far saw a few Small Elephant Hawk-moth in the moth trap.
Small Elephant Hawk-moth.
Storm Petrel season begins
24th May 2011 – bright and sunny W5/6
Morning observations (0810-0940) produced the first Storm Petrel of the year heading out of the bay at 0830hrs, also seen were 41 Gannet, 14 Guillemot and smaller numbers of Common Scoter, Fulmar, Razorbill and Red-throated Diver.
Wildfowl and Waders
A large flock of waders held 2000 Dunlin, 300 Ringed Plover and 3 Sanderling.
Breeding Birds
Eiders are now prominent with the females now sitting on eggs.
A couple of nesting Eiders showing great faith in their cryptic plumage to avoid detection.

Morning observations (0810-0940) produced the first Storm Petrel of the year heading out of the bay at 0830hrs, also seen were 41 Gannet, 14 Guillemot and smaller numbers of Common Scoter, Fulmar, Razorbill and Red-throated Diver.
Wildfowl and Waders
A large flock of waders held 2000 Dunlin, 300 Ringed Plover and 3 Sanderling.
Breeding Birds
Eiders are now prominent with the females now sitting on eggs.
A couple of nesting Eiders showing great faith in their cryptic plumage to avoid detection.
Long-tailed Skua heads offshore sightings
22nd May 2011 – overcast/rain at times SW5/6
The weather conditions saw activities focussed on the sea where observations (0700-1000 & 1100-1300) were led by single Long-tailed Skua and Great Skua and 6 Arctic Skua (3 pale, 3 dark) amongst totals of 750 Manx Shearwater, 745 Gannet, 235 Guillemot, 20 Sandwich Tern, 16 Fulmar, 12 Arctic Tern and 2 Little Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 23 Grey Plover sand 5 Bar-tailed Godwit.
The weather conditions saw activities focussed on the sea where observations (0700-1000 & 1100-1300) were led by single Long-tailed Skua and Great Skua and 6 Arctic Skua (3 pale, 3 dark) amongst totals of 750 Manx Shearwater, 745 Gannet, 235 Guillemot, 20 Sandwich Tern, 16 Fulmar, 12 Arctic Tern and 2 Little Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 23 Grey Plover sand 5 Bar-tailed Godwit.
A bits and pieces sort of day
21st May 2011 – overcast/rain later SW3/4/5
Morning observations (0800-0900) produced 24 Guillemot, 23 Common Scoter, 20 Kittiwake, 20 Manx Shearwater, 10 Gannet, 2 Red-throated Diver and a solitary Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A Spotted Flycatcher was the only newly grounded bird.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow continue to move through.
Wildfowl and Waders
A solitary Teal continues to linger and waders included 200 Ringed Plover and 500 Dunlin.
Swallow and Spotted Flycatcher.

Morning observations (0800-0900) produced 24 Guillemot, 23 Common Scoter, 20 Kittiwake, 20 Manx Shearwater, 10 Gannet, 2 Red-throated Diver and a solitary Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A Spotted Flycatcher was the only newly grounded bird.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow continue to move through.
Wildfowl and Waders
A solitary Teal continues to linger and waders included 200 Ringed Plover and 500 Dunlin.
Swallow and Spotted Flycatcher.
First Common Tern of the year
20th May 2011 – overcast/showers SW4/5/6
Morning observations (0800-1000) produced the first Common Tern of the year along with 64 Guillemot, 63 Manx Shearwater, 37 Gannet, 14 Common Scoter, 3 Razorbill, 2 Red-throated Diver and a Kittiwake.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow were noted coming in off the sea.
Wildfowl and Waders
Flock of 150 Ringed Plover and 350 Dunlin were the pick of the waders.
Morning observations (0800-1000) produced the first Common Tern of the year along with 64 Guillemot, 63 Manx Shearwater, 37 Gannet, 14 Common Scoter, 3 Razorbill, 2 Red-throated Diver and a Kittiwake.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow were noted coming in off the sea.
Wildfowl and Waders
Flock of 150 Ringed Plover and 350 Dunlin were the pick of the waders.
Golden Oriole still here!
19th May 2011 – bright and sunny W2/3
The Golden Oriole was again seen early morning – remarkably given the limited amount of suitable habitat the bird has now been present for 11 days.
Morning observations (0745-0845) produced 70 Guillemot, 5 Razorbill, 5 Gannet, 4 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
It appears that spring is not quite over, single Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher were newly arrived.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow and House Martin were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 200 Ringed Plover were the pick of the waders.
Breeding Birds
Large numbers of Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat are now on territory across the island and resident passerine species, including Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit and Skylark, are now busy feeding young.
Golden Oriole.
The Golden Oriole was again seen early morning – remarkably given the limited amount of suitable habitat the bird has now been present for 11 days.
Morning observations (0745-0845) produced 70 Guillemot, 5 Razorbill, 5 Gannet, 4 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
It appears that spring is not quite over, single Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher were newly arrived.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow and House Martin were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 200 Ringed Plover were the pick of the waders.
Breeding Birds
Large numbers of Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat are now on territory across the island and resident passerine species, including Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit and Skylark, are now busy feeding young.
Golden Oriole.

Golden Oriole reappears!
18th May 2011 – overcast W3/4/5
The itinerant Golden Oriole put in another brief appearance late morning.
More movement was evident over the sea (0810-0910), although nothing notable was seen sightings involved 100 Guillemot, 19 Gannet, 17 Kittiwake, 10 Manx Shearwater, 7 Red-throated Diver and small numbers of Razorbill. Sandwich Tern, Common Scoter and Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
A Cuckoo and Willow Warbler provided some evidence of newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
A House Martin was amongst a further trickle of Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
At least 9 Whimbrel remain.
A Silver-ground Carpet was new for the year.
The itinerant Golden Oriole put in another brief appearance late morning.
More movement was evident over the sea (0810-0910), although nothing notable was seen sightings involved 100 Guillemot, 19 Gannet, 17 Kittiwake, 10 Manx Shearwater, 7 Red-throated Diver and small numbers of Razorbill. Sandwich Tern, Common Scoter and Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
A Cuckoo and Willow Warbler provided some evidence of newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
A House Martin was amongst a further trickle of Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
At least 9 Whimbrel remain.
A Silver-ground Carpet was new for the year.
Little of note!
17th May 2011 – overcast/drizzle at times SW 2/3/4
The wind had blown itself out overnight and early morning observers were left gazing at an almost calm and empty sea with just a single dark phase Arctic Skua and small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged.
Grounded Migrants
Two Wheatear were the only evidence of grounded birds.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included at least 20 Whimbrel.
The wind had blown itself out overnight and early morning observers were left gazing at an almost calm and empty sea with just a single dark phase Arctic Skua and small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Sandwich Tern and Guillemot logged.
Grounded Migrants
Two Wheatear were the only evidence of grounded birds.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included at least 20 Whimbrel.
Horrible weather limits activities
16th May 2011 – rain WSW 4/5/6
Persistent rain and a fresh WSW wind led to the sea being the main source of sightings with morning observations (0800-1000) producing 75 Gannet, 26 Manx Shearwater, 8 Common Scoter, 7 Sandwich Tern and small numbers of Little Tern, Kittiwake, Guillemot, Razorbill, Fulmar and Red-throated Diver.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included a flock of 1000 Dunlin and 44 Whimbrel.
Persistent rain and a fresh WSW wind led to the sea being the main source of sightings with morning observations (0800-1000) producing 75 Gannet, 26 Manx Shearwater, 8 Common Scoter, 7 Sandwich Tern and small numbers of Little Tern, Kittiwake, Guillemot, Razorbill, Fulmar and Red-throated Diver.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included a flock of 1000 Dunlin and 44 Whimbrel.
Offshore influx of Little Terns
15th May 2011 – rain WSW3/4/5
Observations (0750-0850 & 1345-1445) produced 132 Gannet, 128 Guillemot, 21 Little Tern, 6 Sandwich Tern, 5 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver and small numbers of Fulmar, Manx Shearwater, Kittiwake and Razorbill.
Grounded Migrants
A Wheatear was the sole evidence of any recently grounded birds.
Wildfowl and Waders
A late Wigeon was logged and a total of 236 Sanderling and a Whimbrel were the pick of the waders.
The first Heart and Dart of the year was attracted to the moth trap.
Observations (0750-0850 & 1345-1445) produced 132 Gannet, 128 Guillemot, 21 Little Tern, 6 Sandwich Tern, 5 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver and small numbers of Fulmar, Manx Shearwater, Kittiwake and Razorbill.
Grounded Migrants
A Wheatear was the sole evidence of any recently grounded birds.
Wildfowl and Waders
A late Wigeon was logged and a total of 236 Sanderling and a Whimbrel were the pick of the waders.
The first Heart and Dart of the year was attracted to the moth trap.
Black Guillemot new for year
13th May 2011 – overcast/showers WSW3/4
Morning observations (0900-1000) were led by a single Black Guillemot, also seen were 60 Guillemot, 40 Gannet, 35 Kittiwake, 18 Common Scoter, 5 Red-throated Diver, 2 Razorbill, 2 Arctic Tern and single Shag and Little Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A solitary Whitethroat was the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of Swallow was again evident and included 2 Sand Martin and a House Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 2 Pink-footed Geese continue to linger and waders again included small numbers of Whimbrel.
Following the record breaking start to the year it has been very slow going in May with very few birds caught, however; a Blackbird ringed today was the 500th bird ringed by the observatory this year – the earliest date this landmark has been achieved.
The Brimstone Moth was new for the year.
Morning observations (0900-1000) were led by a single Black Guillemot, also seen were 60 Guillemot, 40 Gannet, 35 Kittiwake, 18 Common Scoter, 5 Red-throated Diver, 2 Razorbill, 2 Arctic Tern and single Shag and Little Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A solitary Whitethroat was the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of Swallow was again evident and included 2 Sand Martin and a House Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
The 2 Pink-footed Geese continue to linger and waders again included small numbers of Whimbrel.
Following the record breaking start to the year it has been very slow going in May with very few birds caught, however; a Blackbird ringed today was the 500th bird ringed by the observatory this year – the earliest date this landmark has been achieved.
The Brimstone Moth was new for the year.
Golden Oriole remains in residence
12th May 2011 – overcast then sunny spells WSW4/5/6
Although proving very elusive, the Golden Oriole remains in residence.
Morning observations (0815-1015) produced 100 Guillemot, 52 Kittiwake, 46 Common Scoter, 42 Gannet, 28 Manx Shearwater, 16 Razorbill, 12 Sandwich Tern, 8 Red-throated Diver, 3 Arctic Tern and single Arctic Skua and Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
Single Willow Warbler, Wheatear and Lesser Redpoll were the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of Swallow was again evident.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included small numbers of Whimbrel.
Although proving very elusive, the Golden Oriole remains in residence.
Morning observations (0815-1015) produced 100 Guillemot, 52 Kittiwake, 46 Common Scoter, 42 Gannet, 28 Manx Shearwater, 16 Razorbill, 12 Sandwich Tern, 8 Red-throated Diver, 3 Arctic Tern and single Arctic Skua and Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
Single Willow Warbler, Wheatear and Lesser Redpoll were the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of Swallow was again evident.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included small numbers of Whimbrel.
Long-tailed Skua, Garganey and Golden Oriole
11th May 2011 – overcast then sunny SW3
A superb Long-tailed Skua flew slowly close inshore into Morecambe Bay at 0930hrs and the first-summer male Golden Oriole put in another appearance early morning.
At last a hint of westerly in the wind and apart from the Long-tailed Skua observations (0900-1000) produced 2 Arctic Skua and a Puffin amongst 100 Kittiwake, 38 Guillemot, 29 Gannet, 11 Arctic Tern, 3 Razorbill, 2 Manx Shearwater and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A Willow Warbler was the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of 40 Swallow held single House Martin and Lesser Redpoll.
Wildfowl and Waders
A drake Garganey and drake Gadwall were both newly arrived and waders included 5 Whimbrel.
Gaganey and Gadwall.

A superb Long-tailed Skua flew slowly close inshore into Morecambe Bay at 0930hrs and the first-summer male Golden Oriole put in another appearance early morning.
At last a hint of westerly in the wind and apart from the Long-tailed Skua observations (0900-1000) produced 2 Arctic Skua and a Puffin amongst 100 Kittiwake, 38 Guillemot, 29 Gannet, 11 Arctic Tern, 3 Razorbill, 2 Manx Shearwater and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A Willow Warbler was the only evidence of newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of 40 Swallow held single House Martin and Lesser Redpoll.
Wildfowl and Waders
A drake Garganey and drake Gadwall were both newly arrived and waders included 5 Whimbrel.
Gaganey and Gadwall.
Skuas and flycatchers
10th May 2011 – overcast/rain then sunny SSE4/5
Early morning observations (0730-0830) produced 2 Arctic Skua along with 12 Gannet, 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Sandwich Tern and a Guillemot.
Grounded Migrants
Two Spotted Flycatcher and singles of Whinchat, Blackcap and Willow Warbler were the only migrants to trouble the scorers.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of 30 Swallow held 4 Sand Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
A total of 16 Whimbrel were logged.
The first Comma are now on the wing.
Early morning observations (0730-0830) produced 2 Arctic Skua along with 12 Gannet, 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Sandwich Tern and a Guillemot.
Grounded Migrants
Two Spotted Flycatcher and singles of Whinchat, Blackcap and Willow Warbler were the only migrants to trouble the scorers.
Diurnal Migration
A small movement of 30 Swallow held 4 Sand Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
A total of 16 Whimbrel were logged.
The first Comma are now on the wing.
Golden Oriole provides a welcome distraction
8th May 2011 – early rain then thunderstorms SE1/2
A male Golden Oriole appeared in the observatory garden late afternoon.
A check over the sea over early morning provided just 5 Arctic Tern, 2 Gannet and a Guillemot.
Grounded Migrants
Excepting the Golden Oriole it was very quiet with just 10 Wheatear and 2 Willow Warbler suggesting evidence of newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
Small numbers of Swallow and Sand Martin continue to trickle through.
At least 3 Hare and 50 Grey Seal were logged.
Moths and Butterflies
Nutmeg and Small square Spot were new attractions to the moth trap while Small Copper, Common Blue and Wall Brown butterflies are now on the wing.
A male Golden Oriole appeared in the observatory garden late afternoon.
A check over the sea over early morning provided just 5 Arctic Tern, 2 Gannet and a Guillemot.
Grounded Migrants
Excepting the Golden Oriole it was very quiet with just 10 Wheatear and 2 Willow Warbler suggesting evidence of newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
Small numbers of Swallow and Sand Martin continue to trickle through.
At least 3 Hare and 50 Grey Seal were logged.
Moths and Butterflies
Nutmeg and Small square Spot were new attractions to the moth trap while Small Copper, Common Blue and Wall Brown butterflies are now on the wing.
Yellow Wagtail
7th May 2011 – overcast/rain at times SE3
Morning observations produced just small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Common Scoter and Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A couple of Wheatear and Willow Warbler were the only newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
Single Yellow Wagtail, House Martin and Sand Martin were amongst 100 Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
Solitary Teal and Shoveler continue to linger and waders included 40 Bar-tailed Godwit and a Whimbrel.
Chinese Character, Flame Shoulder and Small Elephant Hawk-moth were new for the year. While immigrants involved Dark Sword Grass and Silver Y.
Morning observations produced just small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Common Scoter and Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
A couple of Wheatear and Willow Warbler were the only newly grounded birds.
Diurnal Migration
Single Yellow Wagtail, House Martin and Sand Martin were amongst 100 Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
Solitary Teal and Shoveler continue to linger and waders included 40 Bar-tailed Godwit and a Whimbrel.
Chinese Character, Flame Shoulder and Small Elephant Hawk-moth were new for the year. While immigrants involved Dark Sword Grass and Silver Y.
Wood Sandpiper remains
6th May 2011 – overcast/rain SSE2/3
Early morning observations through the rain and gloom (0730-0830) produced just small numbers of Common Scoter, Red-throated Diver and Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
Three Whinchat were the pick of a meagre bunch.
Diurnal Migration
A steady passage of Swallow was evident with 200 birds logged, amongst this movement were 8 House Martin and 6 Swift.
Wildfowl and Waders
The Wood Sandpiper remains in residence.
New additions for the year included Clouded-bordered Brindle, Bright-line Brown-eye and Nutmeg.
Early morning observations through the rain and gloom (0730-0830) produced just small numbers of Common Scoter, Red-throated Diver and Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
Three Whinchat were the pick of a meagre bunch.
Diurnal Migration
A steady passage of Swallow was evident with 200 birds logged, amongst this movement were 8 House Martin and 6 Swift.
Wildfowl and Waders
The Wood Sandpiper remains in residence.
New additions for the year included Clouded-bordered Brindle, Bright-line Brown-eye and Nutmeg.
Another Hooded Crow
5th May 2011 – overcast SE3
Early morning observations (0730-0830) produced 2 dark phase Arctic Skua and 133 Common Scoter amongst small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Red-throated Diver, Razorbill and Red-breasted Merganser.
Grounded Migrants
A Reed Warbler was found amongst an influx of Sedge Warbler, however, otherwise there was very little evidence of any newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift and 6 House Martin were amongst 50 Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Shoveler was the pick of the wildfowl and several Whimbrel were logged.
A Hooded Crow was a different bird to the one seen last month.
The Spectacle was a new addition to the year list.
Hooded Crow.
Early morning observations (0730-0830) produced 2 dark phase Arctic Skua and 133 Common Scoter amongst small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Red-throated Diver, Razorbill and Red-breasted Merganser.
Grounded Migrants
A Reed Warbler was found amongst an influx of Sedge Warbler, however, otherwise there was very little evidence of any newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift and 6 House Martin were amongst 50 Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Shoveler was the pick of the wildfowl and several Whimbrel were logged.
A Hooded Crow was a different bird to the one seen last month.
The Spectacle was a new addition to the year list.
Hooded Crow.
Wood Sandpiper drops in
4th May 2011 – bright and sunny SE3/4
A rather disappointingly uneventful morning over the sea (0730-0830) with just small numbers of Sandwich Tern, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter logged.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to a handful of Wheatear, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.
Diurnal Migration
The trickle of Swallow continues.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Wood Sandpiper was the highlight of the day and additional waders included: 1000 Sanderling and 7 Whimbrel.
Wood Sandpiper.

A rather disappointingly uneventful morning over the sea (0730-0830) with just small numbers of Sandwich Tern, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter logged.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to a handful of Wheatear, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.
Diurnal Migration
The trickle of Swallow continues.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Wood Sandpiper was the highlight of the day and additional waders included: 1000 Sanderling and 7 Whimbrel.
Wood Sandpiper.
Arctic Terns move through
3rd May 2011 – bright and sunny E3/4
Early morning observations (0730-0830) saw several small flocks of Arctic Tern totalling 135 birds heading into Morecambe Bay. Also seen were small numbers of Sandwich Tern, Guillemot, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter.
Grounded Migrants
At least 4 Whinchat were amongst 21 Wheatear.
Diurnal Migration
The continued trickle of Swallow contained 5 House Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
A total of 45 Whimbrel were seen and 850 Sanderling were logged.
Early morning observations (0730-0830) saw several small flocks of Arctic Tern totalling 135 birds heading into Morecambe Bay. Also seen were small numbers of Sandwich Tern, Guillemot, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter.
Grounded Migrants
At least 4 Whinchat were amongst 21 Wheatear.
Diurnal Migration
The continued trickle of Swallow contained 5 House Martin.
Wildfowl and Waders
A total of 45 Whimbrel were seen and 850 Sanderling were logged.
First Spotted Flycatcher arrives
2nd May 2011 – bright and sunny ENE 4/5/6
Morning observations (0730-0830) were led by a dark phase Arctic Skua amongst small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern, Arctic Tern, Guillemot and Razorbill.
Grounded Migrants
A few newly arrived birds were in evidence with 9 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap and single Redstart, Wheatear and Chiffchaff logged.
Diurnal Migration
Several Sand Martin were amongst a few northbound Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 300 Sanderling were along the maritime shore and a group of 10 Whimbrel were seen.
A Peregrine was the best of the rest
A Marbled Coronet was new for the year.
Morning observations (0730-0830) were led by a dark phase Arctic Skua amongst small numbers of Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern, Arctic Tern, Guillemot and Razorbill.
Grounded Migrants
A few newly arrived birds were in evidence with 9 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap and single Redstart, Wheatear and Chiffchaff logged.
Diurnal Migration
Several Sand Martin were amongst a few northbound Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 300 Sanderling were along the maritime shore and a group of 10 Whimbrel were seen.
A Peregrine was the best of the rest
A Marbled Coronet was new for the year.
Swift and Cuckoo added to year list
1st May 2011 – bright and sunny ENE 5/6
Morning observations (0730-0830) produced 145 Common Scoter, 21 Sandwich Tern, 15 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver, 3 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Guillemot, 2 Razorbill and 2 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
A Cuckoo and 5 Wheatear were newly arrived.
Diurnal Migration
Five House Martin were amongst a steady trickle of Swallow and the first Swift of the year was recorded.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Pink-footed Geese continue to linger and waders included 300 Sanderling, 4 Common Sandpiper and single Greenshank and Whimbrel.
The Hooded Crow continues in residence.
Morning observations (0730-0830) produced 145 Common Scoter, 21 Sandwich Tern, 15 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver, 3 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Guillemot, 2 Razorbill and 2 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
A Cuckoo and 5 Wheatear were newly arrived.
Diurnal Migration
Five House Martin were amongst a steady trickle of Swallow and the first Swift of the year was recorded.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Pink-footed Geese continue to linger and waders included 300 Sanderling, 4 Common Sandpiper and single Greenshank and Whimbrel.
The Hooded Crow continues in residence.
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