A Water Pipit was present over the high tide period in the favoured flooded roadside fields and horse paddocks near Biggar. View only from the road and do not enter the private fields.
Observations on the falling tide (1100-1200) saw a Leach’s Petrel and 2 adult Little Gull battling their way out of Morecambe Bay amongst 42 Kittiwake. Also seen were 2 Shag and small numbers of Razorbill and Common Scoter. A Slavonian Grebe fed along the eastern shore in the sheltered waters off Rape Haw.
Grounded Migrants
A total of 11 Fieldfare were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The pale-bellied Brent Goose flock has increased to 59 birds.
The 60 Little Egrets continue to stalk the eastern shore of the island and 6 Twite and a Merlin were logged.
Water Pipit record shot