1st September 2018 – overcast/light showers ENE3
Little change over the sea with 320 Sandwich Tern, 3 Gannet and a Shag logged.
Grounded Migrants
Grounded birds remained at a premium with only 3 Wheatear, 3 Robin, 2 Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler logged.
Diurnal Migration
Noticeably quieter than yesterday with 190 Meadow Pipit, 64 Swallow, 27 Pied Wagtail, 14 Linnet, 5 Grey Wagtail and 4 House Martin seen.
A juvenile Marsh Harrier emerged from its overnight roost to hunt over the island. Additional raptors included 2 Merlin while 3 Rook were unusual.