House Martins return as a breeding species

1st June 2024 – sunny spells/calm
Sightings over the sea (0700-0800) included 2100 Common Scoter, 46 Sandwich Tern, 31 Gannet, 5 Manx Shearwater, 4 Kittiwake, 3 Arctic Tern and single Little Tern and Arctic Skua.
Grounded Migrants
A Cuckoo was logged and was perhaps the first evidence of return passage.
Diurnal Migration
Swallow and House Martin continue to trickle through and a Grey Wagtail was out of season.
Wildfowl and Waders
Three Wigeon were logged and waders included 1250 Knot and 60 Sanderling.
Breeding Birds
After an absence of several years House Martins were welcomed back to the island as a breeding species. At least four Reed Warbler are holding territory along with a Cetti’s Warbler.
The Hooded Crow remains.
A Fox was an unwelcome sighting for the island’s ground nesting species.