House Sparrows – provide good news story!

22nd June 2024 – bright and sunny WNW2/3
Still quiet over the sea (0717-0815) with 81 Common Scoter, 80 Sandwich Tern, 19 Manx Shearwater, 14 Gannet, 8 Kittiwake and 2 Red-breasted Merganser logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The summering drake Wigeon remains and waders included 50 Knot and 3 Turnstone.
Breeding Birds
A total of 54 House Sparrow pulli have been ringed so far this breeding season – at least one Red Listed species is having a good year locally!
The Hooded Crow continues its residency, a family group of 4 Raven and both Kestrel and Sparrowhawk were also seen.
Butterflies and Moths
The overnight attraction to the moth trap included Heart and Dart and Flame while Small Skipper are now on the wing.