Black Brant continues in residence

28th March 2018 – sunny spells/showers WNW2/3
The adult Black Brant was again in Walney Channel at low tide just south of Jubilee Bridge with 41 pale-bellied and a single dark-bellied Brent Goose.
The female Ring-necked Parakeet of unknown origin remains.

Ring-necked Parakeet!

25th March 2018 – bright and sunny/early frost V1
The adult Black Brant was again in Walney Channel at low tide just south of Jubilee Bridge with 11 pale-bellied and a single dark-bellied Brent Goose.
A check of the sea early morning provided 6 Shag amongst 4500 Eider.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 3 Goldcrest and single Wheatear and Fieldfare.
Diurnal Migration
Whooper Swans were again on the move with 230 birds logged. Also seen were 70 Pink-footed Geese and a Grey Wagtail.
Wildfowl and Waders
A total of 10 Shoveler were seen while a single Greenshank was the best of the waders.
A group of 60 Twite remain while a female Ring-necked Parakeet of unknown origin toured the southern end of the island.

Spring unsprung!

24th March 2018 – overcast/light rain/fog/sunny later V1/2
A check of the sea early morning provided 12 Shag, 7 Red-throated Diver, 6 Common Scoter and 3 Razorbill amongst 4000 Eider.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 5 Goldcrest and a Redwing.
Diurnal Migration
A Siskin was amongst 30 Greenfinch and the second Rook of the spring was logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Only 5 pale-bellied Brent Geese were seen.

First Manx Shearwater and Fulmar of the year

23rd March 2018 – overcast SW4
The Black Brant was again in Walney Channel just downstream of Jubilee Bridge amongst 32 pale-bellied and a single dark-bellied Brent Goose.
A check of the sea on the rising tide (1230-1430) saw a steady stream of Kittiwake heading into Morecambe Bay with 512 birds logged. Also associated with this movement were 17 Razorbill, 8 Red-throated Diver, 6 Gannet, 5 Manx Shearwater, 4 Fulmar, 3 Common Scoter and a Sandwich Tern.
A Greenfinch was the first control of the year that was not a colour-ringed bird.

Whooper Swans on the move

20th March 2018 – bright and sunny WNW3/2
The Black Brant was again in Walney Channel just downstream of Jubilee Bridge.
Grounded Migrants
A single Chiffchaff was logged.
Diurnal Migration
A flock of 40 Whooper Swan headed north early evening.
Wildfowl and Waders
The Brent Goose flock held 237 pale-bellied and 40 dark-bellied birds and a female Scaup remains. Waders included 3000 Knot and 4 Black-tailed Godwit.

Water Pipit begins to attain summer dress

18th March 2018 – overcast/cold/snow showers ENE5/6/7
The Water Pipit – now beginning to attain summer dress – was again in the horse paddocks near Biggar over the tide.
Grounded Migrants
A single Wheatear was seen.
Wildfowl and Waders
A group of 5 adult Whooper Swan were grounded by the weather. The Brent Goose flock held 59 pale-bellied and 65 dark-bellied birds.
Five colour-ringed Knot were located amongst a flock of 800 birds.

First Wheatears

17th March 2018 – overcast/cold/snow showers E5/6/7
A check of the sea early morning revealed little other than 2 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
The arrival of the first Wheatears coincided with the return of “the beast” .
Wildfowl and Waders
The Brent Goose flock held 254 pale-bellied and 65 dark-bellied birds. Single female Scaup and Goosander were also logged. Waders included 4 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Greenshank.

Iceland Gull new in

16h March 2018 – overcast/rain at times E5/6
The adult Black Brant was again in Walney Channel just south of Jubilee Bridge at low tide with 70 pale-bellied and 1 dark-bellied Brent Geese. The Water Pipit was in the horse paddocks near Biggar over the high tide and a second-winter Iceland Gull flew up Walney Channel.
Wildfowl and Waders
A female Scaup continues to linger.
A flock of 10 Twite and a Merlin were the best of the rest.

Black Brant puts in another appearance

15th March 2018 – sunny spells
The adult Black Brant was again in Walney Channel just south of Jubilee Bridge at low tide with 100 pale-bellied and 1 dark-bellied Brent Geese.

Woodcock and Goldcrests

13th March 2018 – overcast then sunny spells W2 then SW1
Grounded Migrants
The first 2 passage Goldcrest were amongst 51 Redwing, 25 Blackbird and 7 Song Thrush.
Diurnal Migration
A Rook proved to be the rarest bird of the day!.
Wildfowl and Waders
The group of 3 Scaup (male + 2 females) remain and a Woodcock was the first of the year. Four Black-tailed Godwit continue to linger.
Only a single Twite was logged.

Diurnal movement

11th March 2018 – sunny spells ENE1/2
The sea revealed 10 Shag, 3 Common Scoter and 2 Red-throated Diver.
Grounded Migrants
Small numbers of Redwing were grounded early morning.
Diurnal Migration
While not spectacular migration was certainly underway with 105 Pink-footed Geese, 30 Meadow Pipit, 14 Jackdaw, 12 Whooper Swan, 5 Chaffinch, 4 Skylark, 4 Pied Wagtail, 3 Woodpigeon, 2 Tree Sparrow, 2 Mistle Thrush and 2 Grey Wagtail logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The group of 3 Scaup remained.
A few Little Egret still remain.

Hooded Crow

10th March 2018 – overcast/rain NE4
A check of the sea as the rain cleared late morning produced 6 Common Scoter and single Brent Goose, Gannet and Red-throated Diver.
Diurnal Migration
A trickle of Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail and Skylark were noted coming in off the sea.
Wildfowl and Waders
The group of 3 Scaup remained. Waders included 5 Black-tailed Godwit and a Greenshank.
Single Hooded Crow and Raven were the best of the rest.

First Chiffchaff of the year

9th March 2018 – overcast SE2
Grounded Migrants
A Chiffchaff was the first of the year. Several Stonechat were also seen.
Diurnal Migration
A trickle of Meadow Pipit were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The Brent Goose flock held 60 dark-bellied birds. The group of Scaup increased to 3 individuals (male + 2 females). Waders included 5 Black-tailed Godwit and a Greenshank.
Single Peregrine and Little Owl were the best of the rest.

Yellowhammer surprise

6th March 2018 – overcast SSW1
The Water Pipit was again in the horse paddocks at Biggar.
Grounded Migrants
Significantly milder today and only a few Song Thrush and Redwing remain while 3 Stonechat and a Yellowhammer were newly arrived.
Wildfowl and Waders
The pair of Scaup remain.
A Little Owl and 3 Twite were the best of the rest.

Further cold weather movement

4th March 2018 – overcast/cold/snow/sleet/rainE5
The Water Pipit was again amongst 2 Rock Pipit and 6 Meadow Pipit in the horse paddocks at Biggar at high tide.
Grounded Migrants
A further influx of thrushes fleeing the cold weather was apparent with 130 Fieldfare, 152 Redwing, 53 Song Thrush and 7 Mistle Thrush logged.
Diurnal Migration
A skein of 47 Pink-footed Geese headed north.
Wildfowl and Waders
The two Scaup remain.
A total of 65 Twite were logged.

First Gannet of the year

3rd March 2018 – overcast/cold/snow flurries E5/6
A Water Pipit was amongst 4 Rock Pipit and 4 Meadow Pipit in the horse paddocks at Biggar.
Early morning observations over the sea (0800-0900) produced the first Gannet of the year along with 10 Razorbill, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Red-throated Diver and 2 Common Scoter.
Grounded Migrants
The “beast from the east” failed to significantly effect the island and the green fields attracted an influx of thrushes fleeing the cold weather with 155 Fieldfare, 32 Redwing, 19 Song Thrush and 5 Mistle Thrush logged.
Diurnal Migration
A group of 20 Whooper Swan headed north.
Wildfowl and Waders
The Brent Goose flock held 274 pale-bellied and 53 dark-bellied birds. Also seen were 2 Barnacle Geese.
Peregrine and Merlin were the best of the rest.

Water Pipit

2nd March 2018 – overcast/cold E6/7/8
The latest round of high tides again flushed a Water Pipit from the saltmarsh and into the horse paddocks near Biggar.
Grounded Migrants
A group of 8 Fieldfare were indicators of cold weather movement.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Barnacle Geese were logged.
A Merlin was the best of the rest.

Black Brant remains

1st March 2018 – overcast/cold ENE4/5/6
The adult Black Brant was again in Walney Channel just south of Jubilee Bridge amongst 74 pale-bellied and a single dark-belled Brent Goose.