Hen Harrier headlines

31st August 2024 – bright and sunny E2/4
A scan of the sea saw 160 Sandwich Tern and 8 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
A fall of Wheatear was noted across the island with 102 birds also logged were 10 Chiffchaff, 7 Willow Warbler,4 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat, 4 Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Whinchat, 2 Sedge Warbler and 2 Blackcap.
Diurnal Migration
Totals of 105 Swallow, 80 Meadow Pipit, 22 Pied Wagtail, 8 Grey Wagtail and 6 Tree Pipit were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
The first Wigeon have now returned.
Raptors involved a ringtail Hen Harrier, 10 Kestrel, 3 Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine. After a noticable absence the long-staying Hooded Crow put in another appearance.
Butterflies and Moths
Red Admiral were on the move and migrants in the light trap involved a Pearly Underwing.
Three Migrant Hawker were seen.

Migration finally begins!

30th August 2024 – hazy sun/calm then NW2/4
A scan of the sea saw 140 Sandwich Tern and 10 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 3 Willow Warbler, 3 Wheatear, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Goldcrest, 2 White Wagtail and a Blackcap.
Diurnal Migration
Totals of 100 Swallow, 60 Meadow Pipit, 23 Tree Pipit, 11 Grey Wagtail, 10 Sand Martin, 6 House Martin and a Tree Sparrow were logged.
Two Raven, 2 Sparrowhawk and single Merlin were the best of the rest.
Three Migrant Hawker were seen.

Another trickle!

29th August 2024 – overcast/rain then sunny spells WSW3/4
Observations the sea (0700-0800) produced more variety than of late with 405 Common Scoter, 41 Gannet, 16 Sandwich Tern, 9 Kittiwake and an Arctic Skua.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 12 Wheatear and single Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.
Diurnal Migration
Totals of 18 Swallow, 10 Pied Wagtail and a Sand Martin flew through before the rain set in.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Whimbrel was logged.

First Pintail of the autumn

28th August 2024 – overcast/drizzle/rain SE2/3
Observations over a still quiet sea (0700-0800) produced just 125 Common Scoter and 42 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to single Willow Warbler and Whitethroat.
Diurnal Migration
Totals of 20 Swallow,7 Sand Martin and a Grey Wagtail flew through before the rain set in.
Wildfowl and Waders
The first 2 Pintail of the autumn were logged.
Two Peregrine were the best of the rest.

Very early returning Brent Geese!

25th August 2024 – overcast/rain soon SW4/8
Several periods of observations over the sea revealed single Great Skua and Red-throated Diver amongst 320 Common Scoter, 18 Gannet, 13 Manx Shearwater, 6 Sandwich Tern and 3 Guillemot.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 2 Wheatear.
Wildfowl and Waders
A group of 4 light-bellied Brent Geese were the earliest ever recorded by the observatory.
A Merlin was the best of the rest.

Mainly Common Scoter on the move!

24th August 2024 – overcast/rain then sun and showers W3/4
Observations over a still quiet sea (0700-0800) revealed 328 Common Scoter, 3 Gannet and 2 Kittiwake.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to single Willow Warbler and Blackcap.
Diurnal Migration
Just 4 Tree Pipit and 2 Grey Wagtail were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 30 Teal were seen and a Whimbrel was the pick of the waders.
Two Peregrine were the best of the rest.

Empty seas and skies!

21st August 2024 – overcast/showers, rain later SW3/6
Observations over the sea (0700-0800) revealed just 60 Sandwich Tern, 45 Common Scoter, 5 Shag and an Arctic Skua.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 2 Robin and a Blackcap.
A Merlin was the best of the rest.

Wader numbers build

20th August 2024 – sun and heavy showers WSW3/6
Observations over the sea (0700-0800) revealed 86 Common Scoter, 39 Gannet, 23 Sandwich Tern and 3 Shag. A flock of 350 Sandwich Tern roosted over the tide.
Grounded Migrants
Just single Blackcap and Willow Warbler were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 1236 Curlew, 1023 Redshank, 249 Sanderling, 195 Turnstone, 173 Ringed Plover, 68 Golden Plover, 36 Grey Plover, 18 Greenshank, 6 Whimbrel and a Black-tailed Godwit.
A total of 57 Little Egret and 14 Grey Heron were the best of the rest.

Another quiet day!

19th August 2024 – overcast/rain later SSE3/5
Observations over the sea (0700-0800) revealed 210 Common Scoter, 40 Sandwich Tern and 7 Gannet.
Diurnal Migration
A Tree Pipit was logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 58 Golden Plover, 5 Whimbrel and a Black-tailed Godwit.
Two Raven were the best of the rest.

Short-eared Owl

18th August 2024 – sunny spells W3/5
Observations over the sea (0700-0800) revealed 70 Sandwich Tern, 57 Common Scoter and 25 Gannet.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to a single Wheatear.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 80 Ringed Plover, 60 Sanderling, 35 Grey Plover and 20 Greenshank.
The Short-eared Owl put in another appearance

Only low-key migration in evidence

17th August 2024 – sunny spells WSW3/4
Only small numbers of Sandwich Tern and Gannet were noted.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to a single Blackcap and Whitethroat.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 40 Turnstone, 22 Greenshank and a Black-tailed Godwit amongst 560 Redshank.
The island’s “woodland” held 11 Long-tailed Tit and single Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay and Bullfinch. A Peregrine was the best of the rest

Migration remains low key

16th August 2024 – sunny spells WSW3/4
Observations produced 710 Sandwich Tern, 320 Common Scoter, 38 Gannet and a Shag.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to single Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat and Wheatear.
Diurnal Migration
Several Tree Pipit were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 40 Grey Plover and 19 Greenshank.
Butterflies and Moths
A Painted Lady was amongst a handful of Red Admiral.
A Migrant Hawker was the first of the year.

Raptors and dolphins

14th August 2024 – warm and sunny/calm
Morning observations produced 600 Sandwich Tern, 45 Gannet, 10 Common Scoter and a Shag.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 5 Willow Warbler.
Diurnal Migration
A trickle of House Martin, Sand Martin and Swallow were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 5 Greenshank and a Black-tailed Godwit.
Raptors involved Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.
Five Bottle-nosed Dolphin were offshore.

Skuas and dolphins

11th August 2024 – overcast then warm and sunny E2/4
Morning observations produced 200 Sandwich Tern, 22 Gannet, 7 Manx Shearwater, 2 Arctic Skua and single Little Tern and Shag.
Grounded Migrants
Warblers involved 5 Willow Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler, 2 Whitethroat and a Garden Warbler.
Diurnal Migration
A total of 20 Tree Pipit flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 5 Greenshank.
Three Common Dolphin were offshore.

Still seawatching!

9th August 2024 – sun and showers W4/6
Morning observations (0700-0800) produced 385 Common Scoter, 26 Gannet, 25 Sandwich Tern and 2 Manx Shearwater.
Grounded Migrants
Four Wheatear and a Willow Warbler were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 250 Sanderling and 15 Grey Plover.

Arctic Skua

7th August 2024 – overcast SW3/6
An Arctic Skua was the highlight (0700-0900) amongst 685 Common Scoter, 29 Gannet, 28 Sandwich Tern and 2 Manx Shearwater.

Velvet Scoter

6th August 2024 – bright and sunny S2/3
A female Velvet Scoter was the highlight (0700-0800) amongst 130 Common Scoter, 10 Gannet, 5 Sandwich Tern, 3 Manx Shearwater and a Fulmar.
Grounded Migrants
The Cuckoo remains and 2 Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warbler and Sedge Warbler were logged.
The long-staying Hooded Crow put in another appearance.


5th August 2024 – overcast/rain by evening S3/4
The sea continues to remain quiet early morning early morning (0700-0900) produced 305 Common Scoter, 36 Gannet, 22 Sandwich Tern, 2 Manx Shearwater and a Little Tern.
Wildfowl and Waders
Two Whimbrel were logged.
The long-staying Hooded Crow put in another appearance.
Butterflies and Moths
A Dark Green Fritillary has finally emerged.

Greenshank numbers begin to build

4th August 2024 – overcast/showers SSW2/3
The sea continues to remain quiet early morning with only 50 Sandwich Tern, 7 Gannet and 4 Shag seen.
Grounded Migrants
Warblers involved 3 Willow Warbler and 2 Sedge Warbler while a Wheatear and the Cuckoo continues to add variety.
Diurnal Migration
Just 10 Swallow flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 18 Greenshank and 3 Whimbrel.
The long-staying Hooded Crow put in another appearance.
Butterflies and Moths
A Pale Prominent was the highlight of the overnight attractions.

Little and Large

1st August 2024 – warm and sunny V1/2
The sea continues to remain quiet early morning with 4 Gannet seen.
Grounded Migrants
Warblers involved 3 Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warbler and 2 Sedge Warbler while the Cuckoo added variety.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift and 25 Swallow flew through.
The long-staying Hooded Crow put in another appearance.
Butterflies and Moths
The impressive Oak Eggar was a recent overnight attraction and Tufted Scallop was the first island record of a southern biased species.