Just small numbers of Razorbill, Guillemot, Gannet and Common Scoter were recorded.
Grounded Migrants
Limited to 6 Chiffchaff, 2 Song Thrush and single Wheatear, Blackcap and White Wagtail.
Diurnal Migration
The optimum conditions saw birds continuing to move through and the morning produced totals of 200 Meadow Pipit, 135 Swallow, 130 Skylark, 80 Linnet, 70 alba Wagtail, 45 Pink-footed Goose, 20 Greenfinch, 20 Chaffinch, 7 Tree Sparrow, 4 Twite, 3 Siskin, 2 Grey Wagtail and single House Martin, Lesser Redpoll and Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Wildfowl and Waders
Waders included 16 Greenshank and single Spotted Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit amongst 900 Redshank.
At least 14 Little Egret remain and Water Rail, Peregrine and Merlin were all logged.
Migrant species remain on the move with 20 Red Admiral and a Painted Lady logged.
Tree Sparrow