The Water Pipit put in another appearance and showed particularly well in the flooded fields and horse paddocks at Biggar.
Grounded Migrants
A few newly arrived Song Thrush were in evidence.
Wildfowl and Waders
Although steadily falling in size the small flock of Barnacle Geese remain in residence with 17 birds still present including the three colour ringed individuals. These were joined early morning by 3 Pink-footed Geese that appeared disorientated by the morning murk. Just a single Greenshank was seen.
Flocks of 70-80 Twite and 25 Linnet remain in residence.
A recent recovery involves a Greenfinch ringed on 26th September 2010 that was controlled at Rossall Point on the opposite side of Morecambe Bay on 4th October 2010.
A group of 40 Grey Seal were seen.
Water Pipit and Grey Seal.
In addition, a recent trip off the island also provided excellent views of the Water Pipit frequenting the salt marsh and foreshore adjacent to a fresh water outfall at Bardsea on the high tide.