Marsh Harrier headlines

26th April 2023 – hazy sun ENE2/3
A check of the sea (0630-0730) produced 1325 Common Scoter, 55 Sandwich Tern, 20 Guillemot, 7 Gannet, 7 Shag, 6 Manx Shearwater and single Arctic Skua, Little Tern and Puffin.
Grounded Migrants
Although numbers had declined Wheatear continue to dominate with 36 birds logged, including the distinctive leucistic bird. Also recorded were 3 Willow Warbler, 2 White Wagtail and single Grasshopper Warbler and Whinchat.
Diurnal Migration
A total of 135 Pink-footed Geese headed north and 3 Lesser Redpoll were amongst a trickle of Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A few Teal continue to linger and waders included 85 Golden Plover, 9 Whimbrel, 3 Black-tailed Godwit and single Greenshank and Common Sandpiper.
A female Marsh Harrier seen hunting the island at dawn had presumably roosted overnight while the long-staying Hooded Crow remains.
A Harbour Porpoise was again offshore.
Butterflies and Moths
Butterflies included 4 Orange Tip and a Holly Blue.