Early morning observations (0730-0830) produced 2 dark phase Arctic Skua and 133 Common Scoter amongst small numbers of Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Red-throated Diver, Razorbill and Red-breasted Merganser.
Grounded Migrants
A Reed Warbler was found amongst an influx of Sedge Warbler, however, otherwise there was very little evidence of any newly arrived birds.
Diurnal Migration
A Swift and 6 House Martin were amongst 50 Swallow.
Wildfowl and Waders
A Shoveler was the pick of the wildfowl and several Whimbrel were logged.
A Hooded Crow was a different bird to the one seen last month.
The Spectacle was a new addition to the year list.
Hooded Crow.