The Golden Oriole was again seen early morning – remarkably given the limited amount of suitable habitat the bird has now been present for 11 days.
Morning observations (0745-0845) produced 70 Guillemot, 5 Razorbill, 5 Gannet, 4 Arctic Tern, 3 Red-throated Diver and 2 Sandwich Tern.
Grounded Migrants
It appears that spring is not quite over, single Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher were newly arrived.
Diurnal Migration
A few Swallow and House Martin were logged.
Wildfowl and Waders
A flock of 200 Ringed Plover were the pick of the waders.
Breeding Birds
Large numbers of Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat are now on territory across the island and resident passerine species, including Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit and Skylark, are now busy feeding young.
Golden Oriole.