Good numbers of wildfowl and waders

18th November 2024 – overcast/cold E1/2
Observations over the sea produced 35 Shag, 8 Guillemot and 8 Red-throated Diver.
Grounded Migrants
Early morning thrushes involved 14 Blackbird and 14 Song Thrush.
Diurnal Migration
A total of 9 Whooper Swan flew through.
Wildfowl and Waders
Wildfowl included 3,357 Wigeon, 576 Teal, 518 light-bellied Brent Goose and 247 Pintail while waders included 5,600 Oystercatcher, 1,685 Dunlin, 1,186 Redshank, 400 Golden Plover, 192 Grey Plover, 21 Greenshank, 2 Jack Snipe and a Black-tailed Godwit.
The Hooded Crow remains and 56 Little Egret, two Water Rail and single Barn Owl and Merlin were the best of the rest.