30th June 2021 – hazy/sunny spells/calm then SE1/2
Although a drake Velvet Scoter was amongst 40 Common Scoter observations over the sea (0615-0815) were slow with additional sightings limited to 200 Manx Shearwater, 32 Sandwich Tern, 12 Gannet, 3 Red-breasted Merganser and a Kittiwake.
Breeding Birds
For the first time in many years there is no evidence that House Martins are breeding on the island this year, in addition, Swallow numbers are down with many traditional nesting sites unoccupied.
Butterflies and Moths
The moth trap produced 261moths of 66 species with Mottled Beauty the dominant species while Barred Straw, Small Fan-foot, Common Footman, Small Angle Shades, Antler Moth and Small Dusty Wave (see below) all new for the year.
Good numbers of Emperor Dragonfly are now on the wing.